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Best gym exercise to lose weight


You can easily lose weight and shred tons of calories without even going to the gym or yoga studios.

https://ptaixout.net/4/6783935Here are a few ways through which you can easily lose weight without going to the gym:

Walk Everyday - Walking is associated with numerous health benefits. You will lose tons of calories and weight if you do brisk walking for at least 15 minutes every day. The best time to walk is in the morning right after you wake up.
Using Jumping Rope - Using a jumping rope (also called skipping rope) is a great cardio workout that helps to lose weight faster without the need to go to any gym.
Initially start with 10 minutes of jumping rope session. If you do not have a jumping rope then you can still perform this exercise easily by moving your hands as you would do while holding the rope.
Running - It’s one of the fastest ways to lose weight. 20 minutes of mild running can act as a good alternative for various cardio workouts.
Walking mixed with running can work as a good weight loss option. When you begin, start with 5 minutes of brisk walking, then run for 20 minutes, and end the session with 10 minutes of brisk or normal walking.
Dancing - Dancing at your home can work out to be a good calorie burner and will aid in weight loss.

In just 1 hour of a moderate dancing session, you will burn up to 400 calories easily. You can choose songs that have fast rhythms and you can keep the tempo high or low as per your preference and then start dancing by moving your full body.
Having a protein rich diet - Diet plays a key role in weight loss whether you go to a gym or do exercise from your home.
Include a diet that has a high content of protein and low carbs and almost no fat. Avoid packaged and processed foods as much as you can.
Freehand workouts - You can lose tons of weight and calories by doing freehand workouts and core workouts. For freehand workouts, you can do push-ups, squats, burpees, jumping jacks, etc.
For core workouts, do crunches, leg raises, mountain climbing, Russian twist, etc. Also, every day do planks for at least 2 minutes and later increase the timer.
These are a few simples ways through which you can easily lose weight without the need to go to any gym or fitness studios.

Along with this, sleep every day for 6 to 8 hours (not more, because oversleeping leads to weight gain), and meditate every day for at least 20 minutes.

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